25th May 2023

HDS Provide Essential Grip Testing Surveys at Islay Airport

Ruairi Charlesworth

HDS have been providing essential grip testing surveys for Breedon Contracting at Islay Airport in advance of the resurfacing works that will be carried out over the summer.


Grip testing


Grip is a significant factor in both road and airfield skid resistance and HDS offer a a quick and efficient service that can test small or large sections of asphalt at traffic speed.


The test involves towing a specialist trailer that measures the grip of the asphalt as the vehicle moves. This test is conducted at traffic speed and does not require any expensive closures or traffic management. All data collected is geo-referenced so identifying any area of concern is quick and easy. For each section tested a concise report is provided detailing the findings. The results given are a unit of grip called Grip Number (GN) and SCRIM (by a mean of a well-established correlation).


Not a bad place to do a day’s work either!


For more info on HDS surveying capabilities, please go to: https://www.highwaydata.co.uk/surveys/