EVO (eTec, Visir, Optrix)
EVO is a suite of hardware systems designed by materials testing experts at Highway Data Systems to revolutionise highways construction quality assurance. Whether you’re laying asphalt or compacting earthworks, the HDS EVO system will deliver real-time quality data to your site operatives to ensure they get the job done right the first time, every time.

Visir - ROS
Visir-ROS – a chipper mounted system for automatically measuring the rate of spread of pre-coated chippings on hot rolled asphalt materials

eTec paver monitoring technology – delivery temperatures, environmental information and laying records without the need for technicians.

VisIR is a thermal imaging camera that continuously monitors the temperature of material as it is revealed by the paver screed. Fewer paver stops means less thermal segregation, better compaction and fewer potholes on our road network.

Optrix roller technology is used for both asphalt and earthworks compaction. High-accuracy GPS systems track roller movements, and infra-red temperature sensors monitor asphalt temperature.
Accelerometers can be added for monitoring earthworks compaction. All data is fed back to roller drivers in real time to ensure every part of construction is properly and efficiently compacted.

ePlant and eSilo are the latest developments by Highway Data Systems USA, offering asphalt producers unparalleled real-time access to the temperature of their material during batching and as the asphalt is dropped into transportation vehicles. The advanced infra-red monitoring systems measure the temperature of asphalt and match this data automatically to material tickets. ePlant…